CALL: 212.757.6233

Intellectual Property Transactions

FGM Transaction attorneys are skilled in the IP Transaction field.

Our attorneys are involved in clients' IP build out.


We represent the Medtech and Energy industry in the acquisition and development of Patent Portfolios.We represent Defensive Patent Aggregators in the acquisition and licensing of Patents.

FGM also helps our clients develop their Patent portfolios through transactional Patent Use Agreements


Clients looking to build out their business through licensing agreements will find that FGM is their firm. We will negotiate the most advantageous Royalty Agreements that will provide streams of income as the client 's brands expands market share.

Our Firm

About the Firm
Mission Statement
Vision Statement

McCabe & Associates
45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000
New York, NY 10111
Tel: 212.757.6233
Mail us : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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